Category Archives: Culture

I dedicate this song to Will, Kate, and the Queen

Gawd, save the Queen

Can an Internet-savvy Philippines Politician promise better internet for all?

As a Filipino Internet user, I wish a Philippine politician/group would promise what the Canadian Democratic Party did. We will apply the proceeds from the advanced wireless spectrum auction to ensure all Canadians, no matter where they live, will have quality high-speed broadband internet access; We will expect the major internet carriers to contribute financially […]

My concerns regarding NTC getting more powers

I hope I’m wrong… Source

What Creative Commons was for

It’s cool that Lawrence Lessig included the Philippines in the video. Note: If you have disabled Flash (like I did), you can view the link above by doing the following before viewing the video: Use either Video Flash Replacer Add-on or Linterna Magica Script for your browser.