Monthly Archives: August 2011

No smartphones for me

I asked myself why I needed a smartphone in the first place. I already have my old non-smartphone (an Alcatel e101) with me and I’ve been able to function with or without it. It’s a handy tool when contacting my friends and family when they’re/I’m out, it’s a nice alarm clock, and calculator. Although it […]

Define simplicity then go for it

“Simplicity is a mindset,” she says. “It’s not so much about what you have and how much you have, but how you think about your life.” —Kristin van Ogtrop, managing editor of Time Inc.’s Real Simple magazine I envy the couple in this story as they support each other in making life more simple. They […]

Making complicated things, effortless

This is a paradigm for non-action: the purest and most effective form of action. The game plays the game; the poem writes the poem; we can’t tell the dancer from the dance. It happens when we trust the intelligence of the universe in the same way that an athlete or a dancer trusts the superior […]

Is failing, secretly a win?

We’re all wishing to be winners at life. Desperately learning the right skills to efficiently do a task or job, networking with the right people to get an advantage, doing whatever it takes to “win”. We maybe able to win at times, but it will mean some will lose. However, is failing all that bad? […]

When there’s very little time to do anything, the best thing to do is:
