Monthly Archives: April 2011

I dedicate this song to Will, Kate, and the Queen

Gawd, save the Queen

PH Govt and TelCos to send official SMS during emergencies

I’m glad that the Philippine Govt and the major TelCos have decided to send out text messages during emergencies to ensure that the “raining radiation hoax” won’t happen again.

PH govt gets into the BF/BSP issue

Did someone have to kill himself first before the govt step into this whole BF vs. BSP mess?.

Richard Stallman working

The case of the organ harvesting of kidnapped children

This is NSFW. Just as the Philippines had just been bamboozled out of its mind regarding the radioactive rain hoax, we may have another one coming. And this time it’s going through social networks, especially Facebook. If you are squeamish then it would be best not to go on, if you want to know more […]

Can an Internet-savvy Philippines Politician promise better internet for all?

As a Filipino Internet user, I wish a Philippine politician/group would promise what the Canadian Democratic Party did. We will apply the proceeds from the advanced wireless spectrum auction to ensure all Canadians, no matter where they live, will have quality high-speed broadband internet access; We will expect the major internet carriers to contribute financially […]

Ferdinand Marcos: fake hero, real HR violator

I agree with these educators that Marcos was no war hero. His army story was proven a lie, and his Human Rights violations were proven true. End. Of. Story.

Send a poor kid to school for $12/PHP 500 a month

Help send a poor kid to school for $12 (PHP500) a month by donating to Kara David’s Project Malasakit. It’s cheaper than a WoW monthly sub and it’s more worthwhile too.

Imelda Marcos to repay P 12M

Imelda Marcos was found to have stolen PHP 10M from the NFA 28 years ago. Return it all (plus 2M for moral damages) in 30 days. No reports on whether she’ll get any jailtime for stealing…

The Story of Linux: Commemorating 20 Years of the Linux Kernel

[youtube=] Note: If you have disabled Flash (like I did), you can view the movie above by doing any of the following before viewing the video: Join the YT HTML5 Beta Use either Video Flash Replacer Add-on or Linterna Magica Script for your browser.